This salad combines different flavors which play off one another: tart and sweet, earthy and peppery, fresh and cooked.
Spinach and beet salad with goat cheese, pine nuts, and grapefruit
Makes 2 or 3 servings
1 Small Beet, cooked
3 cups Spinach
2 tablespoon Pine Nuts
1 tablespoon Goat Cheese
5 slices of Grapefruit
1 tablespoon Red Wine Vinegar
⅓ teaspoon Agave Nectar
2 squeezed slices of Grapefruit
4 tablespoon Olive Oil
1) To make salad dressing: Mix vinegar, agave nectar, pepper, squeeze the juice of 2 slices of grapefruit, then add olive oil and mix well, until emulsified.
2) Cut beet in half and then slice each half into small thin slices. Cut each grapefruit slice in half.
3) Place spinach on each serving plate, sprinkle with dressing. Place sliced beets, grapefruit and pine nuts over spinach, sprinkle with more dressing. Crumble goat cheese on top.
Susan Peterson
This is a great post and I love it. No doubt I'll try this out sometime soon and I hope it will taste just as well. You're doing a great work. Keep it coming!
Elena Shetty
This dish remind me of dish make of raw fish and vegetable of the Easter. But of course, without the raw fish. There's a balance between color and taste for sure. Absolutely love it.
julia, im a little late to this wonderful party( your web site) it's so tempting on many levels--beautiful pictures, easy recipes with such appeal---etc,etc--My only concern
is my inability to print the recipes that I love --I was able to print SUNDRIED TOMATO AND MUSHROOM PASTA but unfortunately, not successful in printing
creamy mushroom pasta w/carmelized onions along with a few others--They didnt say" print " but I tried anyway and then saw 26 of 26 pages coming out!! I had to stop the printer and I'm sure I will be sorry ! there were several recipes I want to try! A wonderful website that I will revisit VERY often!
I've just stumbled across your blog! It's fantastic! There are so many recipes I plan to to try and the photography is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
Jess, what a sweet comment! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by - you are always welcome here! 🙂
You finally opened the blog!